Savings calculator save money on electronic archiving
Use this calculator to show how much you could save by archiving your documents electronically through Spindle Document Capture.
Calculations based on:
21 working days in a calendar month, 252 working days in a calendar year, 37.5 working hours in a week.
PricewaterhouseCoopers estimate that 7.5% of documents are lost and 3% are misfiled. It takes an employee around 30 min to retrieve lost or misfield document.
On average it takes an employee 5 minutes to retrieve a document (walk to the filing room, locate a file, act on it, copy it, re-file it, and return to their desk). (Gartner Group)
Photo-copying cost based on £0.20 per print.
On site storage cost based on £40 per month per filing cabinet / £20 per square foot.